Visual Backend Development Framework

Create backend micro-services with just a few clicks. Build services from scratch in a matter of minutes, and outline the logic of your micro-services the way asynchronous logic is represented best: Graphically *

* The flow of asynchronous logic is a graph and not a sequence, and as a result trying to put it on a sequence, for example text-based codes, would inevitably result in a tangle of connections and redundant bits.

intro-art Created with Sketch.

Build, Test & Debug Intuitively

The visual representation gets rid of the hassle of writing, maintaining and debugging asynchronous text-based codes, and makes it extremely fast* and intuitive. See it in action for yourself.

* Although super-scientific studies remain to be conducted, our initial studies indicate you will become at least 3 times faster.

Deploy & Scale Seamlessly

Focus on building your micro-services and let CONNECT handle deployment and scaling for you. Your services will be deployed with one click and scaled automatically as they receive higher usage.

You can also do deployment on your own. Use our GitHub boilerplate project or our public docker image to get CONNECT running on any machine. You can even use our NPM package to merely attach CONNECT to another project instead of running it separately*

* Well if that other project is an ExpressJS powered service, but I guess it is safe to assume that will get you mostly covered.

Add Your Codes Easily

Easily add your own javascript code to the platform and use it in your asynchronous flow graphs. Use packages developed by other people to connect to database, send emails or even manage docker containers *, or add your own codes and packages and maybe even share them with people like you.

 // get the platform
 const platform = require('connect-platform');

 // add a node that outputs hellow to some dude
   // so first the signature of the node.
     path: '/my-package/hellow',
     public: false,
     inputs: ['dude'],
     outputs: ['message'],

   // then the functionality.
   (inputs, output) => {
     output('message', `hellow ${inputs.dude}!`);

* In fact, most of CONNECT platform itself, including the editor API and all of the PaaS services were created using the platform and such packages.

// get the platform
const platform = require('connect-platform');

// add a node that outputs hellow to some dude
  // so first the signature of the node.
    path: '/my-package/hellow',
    public: false,
    inputs: ['dude'],
    outputs: ['message'],

  // then the functionality.
  (inputs, output) => {
    output('message', `hellow ${inputs.dude}!`);

Connect Your Microservices Effortlessly

You can utilize the functionality of a CONNECT-based microservice in another one exactly the same way as you would do a "function call" within a singular service.

This integration capability is not limited to services built with CONNECT: it works with any API adhering to the same protocol.

interconnect Created with Sketch.

Contact Us

Have any questions? Got some ideas or suggestions? Something in CONNECT bothers you to the edge of madness? Or maybe simply need some help? Don't hesitate to contact us on any of the following channels.

Made In Munich, Germany
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